Okay, Let's Do This

You’ve always wanted to start a business. You have a great idea for a food product or service people will LOVE. You want to do it right and you want to give your company EVERY chance for success. This is why Frontier Kitchen University is for you. Take the first steps to breaking free from the shackles of your job and start doing what you have always dreamed of doing! Check out our courses here!
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Mise en Place

It all starts here...

Starting a business is exciting and empowering, but it can also be a daunting and overwhelming process.  Frontier Kitchen University draws on our years of industry knowledge to answer some of the more difficult questions new business owners have.  Over the years we have coached and helped hundreds of small culinary entrepreneurs just like yourself.  From concept to brick and mortar we have seen the patterns and behaviors that early entrepreneurs demonstrate and have identified the key factors that launched some to success and others to shutting it down.

The courses contained on this site extract the valuable lessons learned over the years from all the businesses we have worked with and from the different personalities we have had the pleasure of interacting with.  We've taken YEARS of SUCCESS and FAILURES and reduced it down the most common pain points for those starting out on their journey and compiled it into a simplified and consolidated format for you to shorten the learning curve and increase your chance of success in this fast paced industry.  Through our various courses we aim to tackle the subjects most often overlooked and ignored, simplify the regulatory process and lay out a formula to get you up and running with confidence!  By the end of each course you will have a working knowledge to be able to navigate the rough waters of small business ownership for a wide range of subject matter related to the industry.  This is the defining moment!  Sign up today!

Just Getting Started?

Or don't know where to start?

You have an idea or a product and people have told you they like it but you don't know what to do next? Starting a food business is an exciting but daunting task and there is loads of information out there and if you don't know how to sift through it you could wind up wasting your time and getting frustrated. We have created an introductory course that gives you a clear path to getting up and running as quickly as possible by identifying the key points that need to be considered when starting your business. If you are new to the game and need to have all your ducks in a row before you can start producing or selling THIS COURSE is FOR YOU! Click the button to find out more!
Light the Pilot Light!